
Kaista is a portal developed by APFI and its partners, designed to enhance and automate reporting done by production companies. The pilot version of Kaista particularly facilitates the submission of copyright notifications and automates music reporting. Kaista also enables the collection of important industry data, which APFI, for example, uses in industry advocacy.

Kaista is currently in its pilot phase and is being tested by major production companies. However, Kaista is designed for all audiovisual production companies, and interested production companies can now sign up for the waiting list.

Key functions of Kaista:

Planning functions

Plan for creators and performers
Music plan
Equality plan (link to WIFT’s tool)

Data submission functions

Production registration for APFI
ISAN application
Music reports (NCB, Cisac, Yle) Kopiosto report

Archiving and statistics functions

Production information archive (names, contact details, funding information)
Industry data collection

Contact details:

Jaakko Suomalainen

Development Manager, Kaista & Sustainability Assistant, Avaus

Kaista Portal & Avaus Sustainability Project


Tel. +358 50 344 8717
