Academy of Moving People and Images



AMPI eli Academy of Moving People and Images on ilmainen kaksivuotinen elokuva-alan koulutus. Koulutus on suunnattu heille, jotka ovat saapuneet Suomeen erilaisista syistä esimerkiksi turvapaikanhakijoina, opiskelijoina tai työn takia. 

A 2 year fee-free intensive and hands-on filmmaking program taught by mobile and Finnish film industry professionals. The program includes a variety of workshops in which the participants will acquire and exchange knowledge about the various tools of filmmaking such as directing, scriptwriting, editing, lighting & cinematography, acting, producing, sound recording & editing, and film & critical theories. You will get familiar with how to work within the local and global film industry, how to network, how to apply for grants, etc.

Participants will get to make their own short films (max. 10 min) under the guidance of mobile filmmakers and Finnish film industry professionals, performing all the essential roles necessary to realise their films. At the moment, the academy can support its participants’ short films by providing the filming equipment and its transportation. We encourage and teach our participants to find creative ways in which they can make their films with no or very low budget.

The classes/workshops will take place from the beginning of April 2021 until the end of October 2022. During this time we will go through the creative writing-scriptwriting and script development, project pitching, pre-production, production and post-production of the participants’ short films. 

The Academy can host a maximum of 8 participants for the AMPI two-year program (2021-2022).

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