Kidscreen Summit Virtual introduction session 22.1.2021 2 pm


Kidscreen Summit Virtual INTRODUCTION SESSION

Friday 22.1.2021 2 pm

Kiinnostaisiko osallistuminen lastensisältöjen markettiin Kidscreeniin? APFI ja Finnanimation järjestävät perjantaina 22.1. klo 14.00 jäsenilleen Kidscreen-konsultoinnin, asiantuntijoina ovat Kidscreen-konkarit Nick Dorra (Haruworks), Ulla Junell-Pulkkinen (Guru Studio, Ferly) ja Thatcher Mines (Power Animals United). Tapahtuma järjestetään Zoomilla.

Have you thought about participating in Kidscreen Summit Virtual? Get your place in the sun by meeting Finnish Kidscreen veterans in advance. Our Kidscreen guides will be Nick Dorra from Haruworks, Ulla Junell-Pulkkinen from Guru Studio (and  Ferly) and Thatcher Mines from Power Animals United.
They will give you useful introduction to 2021 sessions and Kidscreen Xchange platform and Global pitch guide, that once registered guests will receive.
Session will be held via Zoom on January 22nd at 2 pm. Event will be lasting around 1,5 hours.
This online pre-meeting is offered for Finnanimation and APFI members.
Please sign in by 20th January HERE

Kidscreen is the most important English-language conference on children’s content held annually. Although the event is organized by Canadians and began in New York, it has been held in Miami for several years.

Registration for Kidscreen takes place at

The Content Pass includes lectures and panel discussions. With the Business Pass, you can arrange meetings with buyers and financiers.

If there is a large number of participants (around 10) who have not yet registered for the event, there is a possibility for a group discount.
In addition, we hope that the online opportunity will inspire not only the wider participation from Finland but also a discussion of the presentation of Finnish children’s content at the event when they go live again.


More information:
Project Manager/APFI
Vera Ruokonen
+358 44 5403123


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