Torino Script Labin Industry Day Helsingissä


Arvostetun TorinoFilmLabin Script Lab -workshop saapuu kesäkuussa Suomeen. Ohjelmaan valitut käsikirjoittajat ympäri maailmaa kokoontuvat työstämään käsikirjoituksiaan kesäiseen Helsinkiin viikon ajaksi 10.-17.6. 

Tiistaina 14.6. ohjelmassa on kaikille av-alalla avoin industry day. Tule mukaan kuuntelemaan masterclasseja sekä tapaamaan käsikirjoittajia ja TFL mentoreita. Ohjelmassa on kaksi masterclassia sekä TorinoFilmLabin esittely. Tilaisuus alkaa 14:30

Ilmoittaudu mukaan tästä linkistä 12.6. mennessä

14.30: Introduction on TFL opportunities by Agata Czerner + Q&A

TorinoFilmLab is an international laboratory born in 2008 to supports talents and professionals from all over the world through several activities: training for film professionals, development of feature films and tv series, support to international production and distribution, and networking thanks the co-production market TFL Meeting Event.


15.00:  Masterclass by Gino Ventriglia “SHAKING THE SKIES” + Q&A

Comedy is the most beloved genre of storytelling and representation, and yet the most difficult to create. A few considerations about its nature, and the questions arising around it: how many kinds of Comedy are there? do they have different aims? is Comedy necessarily ‘local’, or can there be is a ‘universal’ comedy? Is Comedy subversive or conservative?

Short break

16.45:  Q&A: Masterclass by Amra Bakšić Čamo “ROLE OF THE CREATIVE PRODUCER IN DEVELOPMENT” + Q&A

People usually struggle to understand the role of the producer during development, how she or he affected the final results. Could you see my work on the screen, as you could see the work of a director, writer, or actor? Each time I tried a different explanation, different approach and each time it was not enough. So, this Masterclass will be yet another attempt to make it a bit more clear for you all and perhaps myself as well.


18.00: Networking cocktail with Finnish Film Industry, ScriptLab 2022 participants & Tutors, TFL staff

Aikataulu saattaa vielä tarkentua lähempänä tapahtumaa

Ilmoittaudu mukaan tästä linkistä.



Agata Czerner was born in Poland, where she graduated in Italian Philology at Jagiellonian University in Cracow. In 2005 she started working in Torino Film Festival Accreditation Office, becoming head of the Office in 2010. In 2008 she worked as a production assistant on the set of “Giallo” – directed by Dario Argento. From 2008 until 2012, Agata was in charge of the Torino GLBT Film Festival Accreditation Office. She joined TorinoFilmLab in February 2011 as Project Manager for Script&Pitch, AdaptLab and Story Editing programmes. She is currently TFL Head of Operations.

Gino Ventriglia is based in Rome, he works as a story editor and tutor for TorinoFilmLab – ScriptLab and FeatureLab – as well as for other international development programs – Interchange, POWR at the Baltic Event, and the Jerusalem Film Lab. He teaches drama writing at the Centro Sperimentale di Cinematografia, the Italian National School of Cinema. He has written screenplays for cinema and television, both for independent companies and broadcasters. Recently, his interests have been focused on transmedia storytelling.

Amra Bakšić Čamo is one of the founders of SCCA/, an independent production company from Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina. She has produced and coproduced award-winning shorts, documentaries, TV programs and feature films. Since 2003 she is the Head of the CineLink, a regional co-production market, work in progress and project development workshop at the Sarajevo Film Festival and one of the curators of TorinoFilmLab. She is a member of the European Film Academy as well as ACE and EAVE producer networks. She has been a longtime collaborator of Berlinale Coproduction Market and Biennale College. Amra teaches Producing at the Academy of Preforming Arts in Sarajevo. Furthermore Amra worked as associate producer in the feature film TAKE ME SOMEWHERE NICE by Ena Sendijarevic, premiered at FF Rotterdam 2019, Bright Future, Tiger Competition – Special Jury Award.


TorinoFilmLab is an international audiovisual laboratory born in 2008 to support talents and professionals from all over the world through training for film professionals, development of feature films and TV series, support to international production and distribution, and networking opportunities thanks the co-production market TFL Meeting Event and many other events. Along the last 14 years, TFL trained over 1,600 professionals and 152 stories developed within our programmes kicked off at the most prestigious film festivals and reached the audience. TorinoFilmLab is promoted by National Museum of Cinema and it is realised thanks to the Creative Europe – MEDIA programme of the European Union, MiC – Ministero della Cultura, Regione Piemonte and Città di Torino.

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