Finland’s National Production Incentive


The national production incentive is administered by Business Finland, and is a maximum 25% cash rebate for production costs in Finland. This is intended to increase international interest in Finland as a production location and to promote the development, growth, and internationalization of Finnish companies.

Minimum requirements for funding


Eligible costs:

Purchases or goods and services and the rental of equipment and facilities for production purposes from companies liable to pay tax in Finland

Salaries subject to withholding tax, paid to employees who are liable to pay income tax in Finland

 Criteria in a nutshell

  • Distribution agreement for one platform and one territory
  • Participation of a Finnish production coordinator company or a Finnish co-producer
  • Involvement of Finnish artistic or creative expertise or depiction of Finnish landscape or architecture
  • At least 15 % of funding for the overall production budget must come from outside Finland


  • Decision within 40 days
  • Payment in 3 weeks
  • Payments possible during production in Finland
  • First come, first served basis starting from January
  • A foreign company does not have to register in Finland
  • Content that was filmed abroad is eligible to apply for a rebate for post-production costs in Finland


More information and applications:

Several regional film commissions also offer local incentives. For a summary of all incentives and regional contacts, please visit: