How to Enter and Operate Successfully in the UK Audiovisual Market -trade mission


“How to Enter and Operate Successfully in the UK Audiovisual Market” -vientihanke DL 11.9.2020

Hankkeen toteuttaa lontoolainen PR-toimisto Percy&Warren, joka on UK-webinaarit tuottaneen Franklin Ray PR-toimiston sisaryhtiö. Hanke on avoin draama- sekä formaattituottajille, ja sen tavoitteena on tarjota hankkeeseen mukaan valituille yrityksille konsultointiapua mm.:

• myyntimateriaalien hiomisessa,
• PR- ja mediastrategian suunnittelussa,
• sopivien yhteistyökumppanien etsimisessä sekä
• 1-2-1 -tapaamisten järjestämisessä Content Londonin aikaan.

Hankkeen työkieli on englanti ja se on maksuton APFI:n jäsenille. Hinta on 1.200€ + alv ei-jäsenille. Linkki hakulomakkeeseen löytyy alta.

APFI is launching an initiative for scripted and non-scripted production companies together with Percy&Warren, the sister company to Franklin Rae, who produced APFI’s series of well-received UK webinars.

The goal of this initiative is to provide insight and learnings to members on marketing and comms to support the launch or commission of new and / or existing content, and:

• Polishing pitch materials
• Tailored services advising on PR and media strategies,
• Finding suitable partners (co-producers, sales agents, commissioners) and
• Organizing 1-2-1 -meetings with potential partners around Content London.

If you would like to apply for the trade initiative, please submit your application here by Friday 11th of September. Both scripted and non-scripted producers will be selected for the trade mission (max 5 companies).

In order to offer the participants a carefully tailored initiative, the following information is needed for the application:
• Overview of the company
• Projects in development / other potential content
• Interest in the UK market / what are you looking for
• Info as to whether you have existing relations with broadcasters in the territory / have sold to the market previously

The initiative is free of charge for APFI members, and 1.200€ + VAT 24% for non-members.
If applicants accept a place on the initiative, they must commit to participating in the whole initiative. In case of no-shows, APFI will invoice the production company for costs incurred due to failure comply with the initiative.

More information:

Heli Vahvanen-Mölsä, +358 50 491 1786,